Congratulations to our Department for Persons with Disabilities Heroes, who on Friday, September 18th received special recognition at DPD's Wiegand Farm awards ceremony!
The socially distanced presentation was held at DPD's Wiegand Farm and streamed accross DPD's social media platforms.
Congrats to Kara our $4,400 MEGA 50/50 winner! Thank you to all who participated.
We hope to bring our Wiegand Farm Golf Classic back, bigger than ever before in 2021. Save the date: June 21st at:
Crystal Springs Resort
We thank our Heroes for going above and beyond during the COVID-19 Pandemic!
2020 DPD Wiegand Hereoes
The DPD Maintenance Team: Joe Wickham, Ciro Rockstroh, Jake Ferguson, Danny McCoy and Don Rossi
Anne Williams (Accepted by Pam, from Finnegan House)
Betty and Barry Levine
Jessica Sillaro and the Bread Gal Bakery
The DPD Residential Staff Team (Accepted by Niurka Marte)