Thank you to the St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center Emergency Resident Physicians for running a clothing drive for Catholic Charities' Father English Center.
The group was able to donate over 200 bags of clothing, with the help of the entire St. Joe's Family. The clothes were even sorted and divided into children, adults, winter clothing, and footwear. This took hours of work and plenty of volunteer support.
Today, our Father English Food Pantry serves approximately 700 families on a monthly basis. Many of our clients are minimum-wage earners who stretch income to cover expenses such as rent, gas and electric and medical bills. Father English Center is one of our 3 Food Pantries throughout Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson.
"Wow, what an amazing show of support from our friends at St. Joseph's. These young women and men should be proud of their volunteer efforts. This clothing will help the families who visit our Center throughout the year. We are truly blessed to have support from the community, including St. Joseph's Health," said Carlos Roldan, Director of our Food Pantries.
"Catholic Charities has a great staff team and do amazing work throughout Paterson and beyond. There are so many people who helped us along with way. I would especially like to thank our Vice chair of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Nilesh Patel who supported this endeavor beyond belief and helped with coordinating transport, storage and did some heavy lifting! I would also like to thank our medical student and resident coordinators Ligaya Day and Dawn Reddin who helped us get volunteers and spread word throughout the hospital. We are proud of our partnership with Catholic Charities," said Sarah Bolan, Emergency Resident Physician, from St. Joseph's.
God bless the St. Joseph's Family and those who supported this clothing drive!