On September 16
th, Monsignor Mark Giordani’s Retirement Mass was held at St. John’s Cathedral, followed by a retirement celebration at the Brownstone. In addition to his lifelong service to the Church, St. John’s Cathedral and the City of Paterson, Monsignor Giordani has also served the poor and those helped by Catholic Charities.
“Through the years, Monsignor Giordani has been the heart and soul of Catholic Charities in Paterson. He has assisted each of our agencies in a special way. Whether it be celebrating a mass at the Cathedral in honor of our Veterans, conducting last rites for one of our individuals with developmental disabilities, or being there to listen to someone who is struggling with addiction; Monsignor Giordani has been a messenger of Christ,” said Scott Milliken, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Charities.
At the Retirement Celebration, Monsignor Herbert Tillyer, Board President of Catholic Charities and Pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Parsipanny, made a special presentation in honor of Monsignor Giordani.
Monsignor Tillyer noted that behind him stood a “special surprise” which was underneath a sheet with the Catholic Charities logo.
“Tonight is our chance to collectively thank you,” Monsignor Tillyer said. “It all starts with Father Mark’s Family; we know they have been a great source of love and inspiration to him. On behalf of your family, in recognition of your almost 50 years of priestly ministry, and to acknowledge the lasting impact you have made on the city of Paterson, the Moglia Family Foundation has made a very generous pledge to Catholic Charities. This gift, will renovate and expand Straight and Narrow. Our four story facility, on Straight Street in Paterson, will be renamed the Monsignor Mark Giordani Center for Rehabilitation.” As Monsignor Tillyer addressed a tearful Monsignor Giordani and the delighted audience, Dr. Sam Pirozzi, Director of Straight and Narrow and Scott Milliken unveiled the rendition of the new building.
This pledge, from the Moglia Family Foundation is the largest individual gift that Catholic Charities has ever received.
The funds will be used towards Straight & Narrow to renovate an interior space at 380 Straight Street. The purpose of the renovation is to design and build a safe, secure, warm and inviting recovery wellness center for individuals in all stages of their recovery. The Monsignor Mark Giordani Center for Rehabilitation will make a lasting impact in the community for years to come.
“We strive to create a caring environment that will offer compassionate care and reduce the discomfort and anxiety associated with recovery from substance use and mental health disorders. The wellness center will allow individuals to utilize the methods learned in treatment to rebuild their lives. The center’s design well create a facility that challenges the conventional perceptions regarding behavioral health care at an urban drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. It will begn is bright, open and inviting, with symbolism that speaks of movement — a metaphor for transitioning through the healing process,” said Dr. Pirozzi.
“The diocesan Development Office is always happy to assist parishioners in achieving their personal philanthropic goals, and it was a genuine pleasure to work with the representative of the Moglia Family Foundation to make this extraordinary gift possible. It is an amazing tribute to Monsignor Giordani and a great blessing to Catholic Charities and the people served at Straight and Narrow,” said Tim Potter, Catholic Charities Board Member and Diocesan Development Director.
I want to thank the Moglia Family Foundation for recognizing Monsignor Giordani in such a wonderful way. Monsignor Giordani has had such a huge impact on the city of Paterson, and so this building named in his honor is a fitting tribute to his years of pastoral ministry and service to the Church of Paterson. I also want to thank the diocesan Office of Development in working so effectively with the Foundation on behalf of Catholic Charities. This ongoing collaboration between the Diocese and Catholic Charities is a blessing to the thousands of people served by the Church each year,” added Bishop Serratelli.