New Employee Assistance Program for Staff
April 10, 2020
To: All Employees
From: Diocesan HR Team
RE: New Employee Assistance Program
We hope that everyone is being safe and staying well. We realize that this is a trying time and many are feeling the need to talk to someone.
Effective April 1, 2020, the Diocese has switched to a new carrier, Charles Nechthem Services (CNS) for our Employee Assistance Program. Please see the below flyer for more information and telephone numbers. You can also see the brochure at
New Employee Assistance Program
Steps Workplaces Can Take to Reduce Risk
April 9, 2020
Easter Message from Catholic Charities CEO
Scott Miliken
Good Morning,
It continues to amaze me how the staff of Catholic Charities always come together in the darkest of times, especially in our great Diocese of Paterson.
The Executive Directors, Angela, Bob, Joanna and I have been working diligently to navigate the operations at all three Catholic Charities' agencies and to keep our many important programs viable during this extreme crisis. We have had to make some challenging adjustments and I applaud our staff, volunteers, and service recipients for their resiliency.
I am happy to say that we have not had to lay-off any of our over 800 staff members, keeping everyone employed, which allows them to continue to support their own families.
We have been working with the Diocese and have secured and completed the applications for the $3.5 Billion in grant/loan money that you have been hearing about in the news. We are uncertain of what we will be approved for, but we are in the race.
We have also been working with local and state Department of Health agencies, the local presidents and CEO's of major hospitals in our area, several Mayors, the Office of Emergency Management on the State and local levels, Homeland Security and the head of the State Police who are authorized to give out protective equipment or PPE’s. Please know that there is a tremendous shortage of this equipment and manufacturers are unable to produce them fast enough. Through the Mayor of Paterson, Andre Sayegh, we were linked up to a factory in Paterson re-purposed to make masks and we are able to purchase 25,000 masks. These masks will continue to be distributed to each of you and your clients this week. We were able to secure 200 - N95 masks which will have replaceable filters from Catholic Charities USA which should be here next week as well. These will go directly to staff on the front lines dealing with any issues of quarantine and isolation should they arise. Please know that we are doing ALL we can to obtain supplies for you and the issue is one more of supply than cost.
If any of you have personal issues related to the virus, your family, your family situation or just need someone to talk to, I encourage you to reach out to Hope Eder our Director of HR for resources. She can be reached at [email protected].
We have also dedicated for all information related to this virus, how the community can help, and how people can get help including our staff. We will always do all we can to help those in need.
My message to all of you as we approach Holy week is a reflection on the very first Easter which was not in a crowded worship place. Here, the disciples were locked in their house and it was dangerous for them to go out and if they did; they risked the lives of themselves and their loved ones. They were afraid and living in a time of despair. They wanted to believe the good news that Jesus had risen but it seemed too good to be true. This year, we will experience a taste of what that first Easter was like, alone in our homes or with the clients you are working with, believing that there is hope on the horizon and this will soon be over. Know that God's love is the most powerful of all. Even though it might not seem like it now, eventually we will be able to leave our domiciles, the fear will subside and we will be able to celebrate as the disciples had done with the good news that Christ had risen and that Love was the most powerful force on earth.
Monsignor Tillyer, the president of our Board of Trustees, Monsignor Mahoney, our Vicar General and Bishop Serratelli have been in touch with me almost daily and please know that you and your families are all in our prayers each and every day.
We thank you for your continued brave and loving efforts to help those we serve despite our many challenges. May each of you have a blessed Easter.
Scott Milliken
CEO Catholic Charities
[email protected]
A Message from Bishop Serratelli
April 8, 2020
“Let there be light”
Dear Friends in Christ,
In our yearly celebration of Easter, we joyfully mark God’s renewal of his creation and his renewal of our lives through Christ’s victory over sin and death. At the dawn of creation God said: “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:4) and his powerful word made light to guide the crown of his creation, the human person.
Jesus Christ is the Light that redeems us and leads us to eternal life. While we will not be able to celebrate all of the beautiful rites of the Easter Vigil this year, such as the blessing of the new fire and the solemn preparation and lighting of the Paschal Candle, we can do something to express our certain hope for the Light of Christ to banish despair. I invite all of the faithful to place a small electric light outside of their home or in their window at sunset on the night before Easter Sunday, the vigil of the Day of Resurrection, to unite our hearts in hope and to express our undying faith in our Risen Lord who is the Light that never will be vanquished. As the electric candle or light is illumined I invite you pray with your household: “May the Light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.”
God continues to enlighten the world through our faith in the Lord Jesus and in the countless acts of sacrifice of so many selfless individuals during this difficult time. May God deliver from harm all of those who suffer in the midst of this pandemic and protect all who attend to their care. May he keep each of us safe in his loving embrace.
With a prayer for the Lord’s blessing,
Bishop Serratelli
March 28, 2020
Catholic Charities
Still Hiring!
Interested in working in a new and exciting field or looking for a new opportunity? We a hiring for a multitude of positions including:
A Renowned Agency like Catholic Charities requires a phenomenal team to support our efforts during this crisis.
Some of our vacancies also include:
NON-SUPV: Shift Leaders, Residential Life Associates, Janitorial Staff, Admissions, Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Case Managers
SUPV: Directors, Program Assistants
This is the perfect job for you, if…
You’re interested in a meaningful job with an agency that touches the lives of so many individuals, families and communities.
WHY US? Simply put, we offer a tremendous amount of growth for any individual looking to make helping others their life long career. We offer great benefits for all full time positions! EOE
Catholic Family and Community Services | Department for Persons with Disabilities | Straight and Narrow
March 19, 2020
A Letter from the CEO
Dear Catholic Charities Employees, Family Members, and Friends,
To say this has been a challenging week would definitely be an understatement. Once again I want to thank everyone, especially our employees who are on the front lines of this pandemic. If you need or are looking for any information or guidance with regard to Catholic Charities or any of our individual programs we encourage you to go to visit You may also submit questions through this page. We are updating this site very regularly. There is also a video message from Bishop Serratelli that I encourage you all to watch. As we continue to monitor developments regarding the COVID-19, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Paterson, trusts that you and your loved ones are healthy, safe and taking all recommended precautions.
I remind you that in the 3rd Century, a great pandemic swept across Italy, Africa and much of the western Roman Empire. During the pandemic, many people panicked and fled areas where there was illness, abandoning the sick, elderly and disabled. But there was one group of people who refused to panic. Those with “moral character” and by their “benevolence toward strangers and care” for the most vulnerable. He noted that during the pandemic, instead of leaving highly impacted areas, these people stayed at great risk to themselves. They cared for the poor, the sick and the elderly. Church historian Pontianus recounts how those who embodied the true meaning of benevolent character ensured that “good was done to all men, not merely to the household of faith.” As a result, death rates in cities were dramatically lower.
Today, our services are part of a great tradition and needed more than ever. Our mission is to help those in need and each other, particularly society’s most vulnerable, the poor, and marginalized. We are blessed and proud to have incredible people like you who fulfill this mission daily, much like your historical counterparts.
Many of our programs remain operational in some capacity. We are working tirelessly with state and local officials to do all we can to serve those most in need. We are assuring that we are taking all the appropriate measures to stay safe and stop the spread of this pandemic. We are committed to fulfilling our compassionate mission to the community during this time of crisis. We are also dedicated to the well-being of our staff and will exercise every practical and prudent safety measure communicated by health authorities to protect them. We will do all we can to ensure that those who need our services most will not be at a loss.
Thank you for your continued support. We will keep you apprised of all additional information as we move forward together and if you have any concerns my personal cell number is (201) 303-6341.
God Bless you All, Scott
March 13, 2020
A Letter from HR
We want to assure you that we are continuing to actively evaluate all business-related risks posed by this emerging and evolving public health situation. At this time, we are unaware of any company personnel being infected with the COVID-19 virus. Nonetheless, as an added precaution, we are canceling our Job Fair next week and asking staff to begin self-monitoring of their own health, which many of us have already put into practice.
As indicated by the CDC, an individual with direct contact with a person who tested positive (contact with a positive contact) for the virus must do self-quarantine for 12 days (plus immediately contact their primary care provider for guidance) and individuals who have contact to contact interaction can perform self-monitoring. Most of us fall into the latter, since no one really knows if they have come into contact with a positive person so the best option is for all of us to implement self-monitoring.
Self-monitoring is checking one’s temperature as indicated below and for any additional symptoms listed by the CDC. For your convenience, you can use the attached form for yourself and a family member to document your monitoring. Temps should be checked at certain times, twice a day, and not right after a bath or shower either.
We are asking all staff to increase their preventive measure by monitoring themselves and/or family for a fever and flu like symptoms. As per CDC guidelines, a fever is temperature 100.4 or higher. Temperatures should be taken in the morning when waking up (before breakfast or 30 minutes after eating or drinking) and before bed (30 minutes after eating or drinking). Temperatures should be documented and any temp of 100.4 or higher is to be reported immediately to your healthcare provider. Staff who are ill must stay home and notify their doctor for further guidance. Specific medical information should only be shared with HR as needed - you should notify your supervisor in advance if you calling out sick but any specifics should only be shared with HR. Staff can call but sending an email to [email protected] is preferred. As of date, we require a doctor’s note after 3 days of absence but this may change in the near future. As always, information about employees’ health conditions is treated confidentially.
Please be aware that even if an individual registers a fever at this threshold or above, it MAY NOT be an indication of the coronavirus on its own, but we want to exercise the utmost caution to protect everyone and ensure the individual is monitored appropriately as per their healthcare provider and/or CDC regulations.
All staff are also reminded to continue routine disinfecting of all high touch areas, including vehicles, carry hand sanitizer and wash your hands (sing the alphabet or Happy Birthday twice) several times during the day.
We are all very concerned about preventing the spread of this virus, and appreciate your attention and continued efforts to ensure you are doing your part to keep you, your family and the rest of the Catholic Charities family safe. We are still operating cautiously but it is business as usual. We will continue to keep you updated as we receive updates from government officials and/or the Diocese.
Travel Warnings
At this time the CDC has issued a Level 3 Travel Warning for all of China, South Korea, Iran and Italy. If you (1) have been to these areas in the past 14 days; (2) have had close contact with someone who has been to these areas in the past 14 days; or (3) have had close contact with a person confirmed to have, or being evaluated for, COVID-19 infection, please stay home and contact the Human Resources Department to discuss appropriate measures to protect yourself and others, once you have contacted your healthcare provider. As always, information about employees’ health conditions is treated confidentially.
What if I have to miss work?
The New Jersey Department of Labor (DOL) released information about state benefits and protections afforded to New Jersey employees amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The DOL guidance provides clarity to New Jersey employers as they work to address the rapidly evolving challenges posed by COVID-19.
In a series of hypothetical scenarios, the DOL noted the following:
Key Reminder
We encourage all employees who are experiencing symptoms of the flu or acute respiratory disease, such as fever and coughing, to please stay home and take care of yourself until you are well. Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are asked to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Staff should provide advance notice of any absence to their supervisor. Specifics regarding their absence and/or medical notes are to be provide to the HR Department – the best method to keep HR apprised of your status is via email [email protected].
Looking for More Information on COVID-19?
If you want to stay abreast or learn more about our shared concerns about 2019 Novel Coronavirus, we urge you to review FAQs developed and published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ( and other information that have been published by public health agencies.